1. What are Your Qualifications and Background on Early History of India Especially Prehistory and Early Settlements of India?
My research and academic presentations almost a decade ago focused on how genetic evidence disproves the Aryan invasion/migration theory. I also wrote an academic paper almost a decade ago, which was published in an academic book on Sindhu Saraswati Civilization. You can read my paper on the link here: https://www.academia.edu/7893126/Genetic_Evidence_of_Early_Human_Migrations_in_the_Indian_Ocean_Region_Disproves_Aryan_Migration_Invasion_Theories. Currently, my books on Indian History India, A New History and Early Settlement Patterns in India are under publication.
My Brief Academic Background
Lavanya Vemsani is Professor of History in the Department of Social Sciences at Shawnee State University. Prof. Vemsani is awarded BOT (Board of Trustees) Distinguished Teaching Award (2013) and Faculty Research Award (2020). She was awarded the South Asia Council of the Canadian Asian Studies Association's (CASA/ACÉA) Best Thesis Honorable Mention prize for her Ph.D. thesis at McMaster University. She holds two doctorates in the subjects of Religious Studies (McMaster University) and History (University of Hyderabad). Dr. Vemsani’s published books include Modern Hinduism in Text and Context, Krishna in History, Thought, and Culture: An Encyclopedia of the Lord of Many Names, and Hindu and Jain Mythology of Balarama in addition to numerous articles. India, A New History, and Feminine Journeys of the Mahabharata are her upcoming books. She serves as the Editor-in-Chief of Academic journals including the International Journal of Indic Religions, Associate Editor of Canadian Journal of History, and Editorial Board of Airforce Journal of Indo-Pacific Affairs. Dr. Vemsani delivered Keynote addresses as Honorable Guest at International Academic Conferences such as South Indian History Congress and Deccan History Society Joint Seminar on India and Iranian History. Dr. Vemsani served as the President of the Ohio Academy of History (2019-20).
2. Prehistory and Early Peopling of India: A Collaboration of Sciences and Social Sciences
As historians, we work to understand the history and the human journey on earth. – we mostly work with written records though. However, for understanding prehistory, we look towards experts in other subjects- such as archaeology, anthropology, geology, linguistics, etc. In this case, though the time span is so far out into the past, we are taking help from geneticists to understand the beginning of the human journey on the earth.
3. What do we know about First Humans?
There are two Founder Events (Early Pleistocene Event and Late Pleistocene Event) in this world: the first is that of Homo Erectus (also called Homo Sapiens) and the second is that of Anatomically Modern Humans, AMA, (also called Homo Sapiens Sapiens). The earliest evidence for both founder events is noticed in Africa.
African Origins of Humanity:
• All non-Africans female lines have inherited a subset of the L3 ancestral line out of Africa. African female genetic lines are different from non-African genetic lines.
• Similarly, male African genetic lines are different from non-African male genetic lines. Male African Lines belong to A and B. Most of the non-African male genetic lines trace back to M1, and the derivatives C, D, and F. Based on Phylogenetic geography, it has been postulated that YAP (Y-Alu Polymorphism) also known as M1 arose in Africa from M168 and later this M1/YAP departed from Africa in an early dispersal event.
• C & D- are Directly evolved from M1(YAP)
See Question #6-#8 for more information on female and male genetic heritage of India.
Similarly, two Founder Events are noticed in the prehistory of India: Australopithecus and AMA. Paleolithic in its three stages of Lower Paleolithic, Middle Paleolithic, and Upper Paleolithic are found across India. This means that the initial founders Homo Erectus known by different names in India- as Siva Pithecus and Rama Pithecus- are spread across India. However, these first humans are replaced by the Anatomically Modern Humans by the Upper Paleolithic period. This second founder event of Anatomically Modern Humans is dated to 75,000-80,000 Years Ago roughly coeval with the Upper Paleolithic period noticed in archeological excavations across India. It is this AMA that is traced in the modern populations of all of India. We all derive our genetic heritage from these Late Pleistocene Founders.
Following this Upper Paleolithic foundational event in India, no Neolithic cultural disruption or displacement is found in either the Archeological record or genetic record to indicate the arrival of any new invaders or large scale migrations, which proves that there had been no new population in India since the foundational event 80 thousand years ago (KYA).
- Does the late Pleistocene Founder's Genetic Heritage Continue in India?
Yes. The genetic heritage of these Late Pleistocene Founders is found in India. In addition, this is the earliest genetic heritage traced anywhere in this world. Hence, almost 95% of the Non-African world population trace their origins to these genetic lines.
The first evidence of AMA is found in Africa, but when they left Africa or what happened to them after they left Africa is not clearly known. Whatever may have happened once they left Africa, only a single genetic source is left, which is traced to India. Therefore, the consensus is that India is the first (Sub)Continent for the Non-African Foundational Event.
Some Geographers have offered the explanation that the Toba volcano eruption (75-73 KYA) may have caused the complete destruction of human species leaving only a few human survivors. Whatever may have been the explanation, it is true that India plays a central role in the Foundational Event.
5. How does Archaeological Data Correlate With Peopling of India?
Paleolithic Culture is dated from 7 Million Years Ago. However, the Lower Paleolithic phase is widespread across India with disruptions noted in the Middle Paleolithic phase, while Upper Paleolithic is widespread and the emergence of more sophisticated stone tools across India. Archeologists and historians working on the Early Settlement Patterns postulate that the population replacement might have been complete by Upper Paleolithic Period. AMA is genetically traced to 74,000 years ago. Hence, this also coincides with the Upper Paleolithic period in India. Therefore, it can be said that the Australopithecine may have been the people of Lower Paleolithic and part of the Middle Paleolithic phase, but they may be replaced during this phase gradually to completely replace them by Upper Paleolithic Period, which is characteristically associated with AMA.
6. What are the Origins of AMA and Their Genetic Heritage in India?
The earliest genetic evidence of the oldest AMA is traced to India indicates that India is the most important region in the Foundational Event.
Genetic Evidence:
The human genome holds genetic information encoded in the coiled DNA of the chromosomes, which is an immense document written in four letters. G, C, A, T (guanine, cytosine, adenine, and thymine). Both X and Y-chromosomes are sex-specific chromosomes, and haploid (that has only one combination of X or Y, with 23 chromosomes), while all the other cells have 46 chromosomes. The human Y-chromosome consists of a Non-Recombining Region (NRY), making up 95 percent of its length, flanked by autosomal regions, which is passed intact without a change in the male line except for mutations. Binary polymorphisms of the non-recombining region of the human Y chromosome preserves the paternal genetic legacy of humans that has persisted up to the present. While mtDNA is a female-specific gene passed through the female line from mother to daughter without change except for mutations, therefore permits tracking female heritage.
• Genetic research shows that Anatomically Modern Humans (AMA) settled in India during late Pleistocene migrations marking a Foundational Event and continued to settle India and then migrate on to Australia and Eastern Asia and then on to West.
• India shows very old female/mitochondrial DNA (female) with M, N, and R lines. These three founder lines originated in India itself.
• India also shows very old Y DNA (male) heritage, which is also diverse in India
• The female DNA Macro Haplogroup M dates to 80,000-73,000 Years Ago, while N and R date between 70,000-50,000 years ago.
• The male genetic lines: M130 date to 70,000 Years Ago; CDF date to 50,000 years ago while R (from which arise a number of clades of R1a, Ra1a, Ra1a1a, etc.) dates to 43,000 KYA.
7. What is the Female Genetic Heritage of India?
· Scholars debated whether M originated in India or outside of India. However, oldest M lines and a large variety of M lines are found in India, hence many scholars favor placing the origin of M in India
· There is a very young M1 clade in Ethiopia, but it was considered to have been a result of back migration
· N and later R originated in India itself from M
· The Haplogroups M2, M3, M4, M5, M6, M18, and M25 are exclusive to India as well as M*, C, D, G, E, and Z are observed in Asia- Almost 23 lineages arising out of M trunk are found in India. About 60% Indians have M (58%caste, 42%tribe) genetic heritage
· The N Haplogroup W is represented by 5% of the population, and the R Haplogroup is represented by its subclade U by its Indian specific branches of U2 (U2i: U2a, U2b, U2c) throughout India at 15% among caste and 8% among tribal population (Kaldma et al. 1999). U7 is noted in Punjab. The recently examined Rakhigarhi skeleton reveals U2b, which is specific to India.
· Andaman and Nicobar Islanders also show similar genetic heritage although they were classed differently- They show M2 and M4 The British classified them into 19 ethnolinguistic groups upon colonization of these islands. All the people belong to a single genetic source of M from India (Oppenheimer 2004; Tangaraj 2005)
8. What is the Male Genetic Heritage of India?
o M130 date to about 70000 Year Ago
o C & D- are Directly evolved from M1(YAP)
o C&D along with O is commonly found in East Asia along with Oceania and Australia
o 24 Onge and 4 Jorawa of Andaman Islands showed M174 defined D Haplogroup also noticed in Tibet, Nepal, and Burmese population- as well as East Asia.
o F probably originated (45,000 Years Ago) in India, gives rise to later mutations leading to K, O, P, Q, R.
o R lineages derive from P1, which is a derivative of K (K2b2a): M45/P1 (k2b2a): R1 (M173), R1a (M17), and R2b (M269) originated in larger Indian Subcontinent
o Overall the clades C, D, F contribute to about 95% of the genetic heritage of the Non-African World.
o Y Chromosomal groups of initial settlement C/M130, D/M174, F/M89, and K, as well as several subclades of H, L, R2, and F, are commonly found in India.
o Subclades of F (FGHIJK, LMN, O (O1-3), and P, Q, R also occur in India
o The Haplogroups, C, D, F, are found in India and Oceania and places India in the Founder Event
o No new gene pool datable to 12,000-4,000 years ago is noticed in India. Continuity of these ancient ancestor lineages across India places India in an important position in the founder event of the population of the world continuing from Late Pleistocene arrivals
o Almost all the Indian population is derived from these male founder lines
9. Ancient Skeleton from Rakhigarhi and What Does That Tell About the Population History of India?
It only establishes the continuity of Late Pleistocene genetic heritage definitively. The Rakhigarhi skeletal evidence provided definitive evidence for continuity of Indians in India from the foundation event 80000 Years Ago (KYA). Shows with evidence that India was the first (Sub)Continent founded after Africa and her place in the origin of all Non-African human populations are at the foundation.
The Rakhigarhi skeleton is a female skeleton that revealed U2b2 which originated in India and specific to India. This shows that Indians from Indus Valley Civilization (IVC) shared the same ancestry with the rest of Indians who have all derived from original founders 80,000 Year Ago (see Question # 6 and #7 above to read about the female genetic heritage of India). This genetic evidence is significant considering the fact that it also matched several other ancient skeletons identified as IVC and found across Turkmenistan.
You can read more about it here on the link below:
In addition no Neolithic migrations or cultural replacements are noticed in archeological excavations. Archeologica evidence shows the continuity and origin of agriculture separately in India 12000 Years Ago. No new Neolithic arrivals, but only continuity is noticed in settlements since 80000 Year Ago.
10. What Can We Say With Certainty Now About Peopling and Cultural Development of India?
Indians are Indians. There are no Aryan migrations/invasions whatever colonial theories might have said. Genetic evidence definitely disproves any migration or invasion by new human groups anytime. The modern Indians carry the original Founder genetic heritage through genetic clades that evolved from them in India. Therefore, Indians can say with confidence I am Indian and my ancestors lived here since 80000 Years Ago. No occupation or replacement during prehistory.
11. What About Linguistics?
Other linguists have to study this closely. But here is what I have to say about it.
India spoke a number of related Prakrit dialects, which gradually evolved into modern languages with the help of Sanskrit syntax and grammar. Tamil is one of the earliest languages to evolve as such, while Malayalam and Punjabi are some of the recent languages to evolve. All Indian languages are closely related to 80-95% similarity with Sanskrit through verbal roots. Another spurious fact popularized by colonial linguists is that languages such as Greek and Latin and a number European languages are close to Sanskrit even though these languages have less than 50% similarity with Sanskrit. It is also appalling that these same colonial linguists classified southern Indian languages as different to promote the racial divide in India although the southern Indian languages are closely affiliated with Sanskrit and have 80-95% similarity. Therefore, I encourage linguists of India to examine Indian languages closely and come up with a theoretical framework to explain the underlying affinity of Indian languages.
12. What Do You Say About R1a? They Say It Is Evidence of Aryans.
No. That is a myth. Here is why: R or R1a or any clades of R doesn't represent Aryans. It is found across the world and it is oldest and more diverse in India. The basal R originated in India itself (see Question # 8 for more details on the male genetic heritage of India).
• R1/M 17 (later named M420) is one of the lines frequently found in India and Pakistan, but also across the Caucasus and Europe
• R1a is also found in north Africa and Subsaharan Africa- including Cameroon. This is considered to be a result of back migration
• M17 is found in high frequencies including caste and tribal groups across India
• Since R1a/M17 and its subsequent lineages are found frequently in India as well as Eurasia, it was considered to support the Aryan invasion/migration 3-4000 years ago into India. M17/R1a was initially thought of a marker of “male Aryan invasion”
• However, R1a is the oldest in India. R1a in India datable to 36000 Years Ago/Its occurrence in Europe could only be dated to 23,000 Years Ago
• So its deep-rooting and diversity in India proves the contrary
• Therefore, R originated in India and R1a is oldest and diverse in India, which shows India is at the base.
• R: Origin and frequent
• All R clades originate in India are more diverse
• - R1/M173
• -R1a/M420/M17
• -R1a1a/M459
• -R1b1a1/M269
• -R1b1/L278
• Presence of M17 widely across India and its long continuity in India disproves Aryan invasion/migration theories
• Continuity of Human groups from Paleolithic period onwards is established by the presence of this Genome: 80-30% of Indian possess this gene spread across the nation regardless of caste, tribe or geographical location
• The genome research supports the spread of R1a from India
• In addition to this ancient gene flow the R1a is also noticed in the Roma populations in Europe
• The European M17 is less diverse and dated to only 23,000 Years Ago
The Indian M17 is dated to 36,000 Years ago and hence deep-rooted and diverse in India
13. Final Facts About India and Indians. Historic Origins
Genetic Heritage of India shows only continuity and not a replacement. Aryan migration/invasion is a myth.
• Female and male genetic lines examined in this lecture show continuity of Late Pleistocene founder human groups that first settled the Indian Subcontinent about 80,000 years ago. 80,000 Years Ago marks the adjusted average time of when they may have reached India. Actual dates for Female lines date from 74,000 Years Ago and Male lines from 70,000 Years Ago.
• Similarly, Male genetic lines related to R examined in this lecture also show continuity from 50,000 Years ago.
• No population replacement is noticed- certainly, no Neolithic population replacement or discontinuity is noticed
• No genetic differences between caste, tribe, or language groups is noticed- either in male or in female genetic heritage
• This disproves any Aryan invasion/migration, let alone population replacement. Not even largescale population addition is noticed in the genetic heritage of India. The genetic lines continue unbroken since late Pleistocene
Implications for World History:
• Continuing Aryan race theories in books does immense injustice to the history of India. It teaches neighbors to hate neighbors, because of language and looks. There is no place for race theories in school textbooks and scholarly literature. Although Indian languages were categorized into Aryan, Dravidian, and Austronesian languages dividing India into different racial groups, based on languages, superimposing Aryan theory, it is disproven, as all language groups share a common genetic heritage.
• India struggled through millennia, but successfully preserved the longstanding continuous civilization in its people and culture
• India is the Second region to be settled after Africa in the Foundation Event for Non-African Populations. Oldest population base- 73,000 Years Ago for females and 70,000 for male genetic lines is noticed in India.
• Oldest Texts and Cultural sources- the oldest textual sources and oldest Paleolithic culture are noticed in India.
• Oldest agricultural and settlement patterns- independent agriculture, domestication, and culture are also found in India.
• India is at the root of human civilization- My research shows that India is the storehouse of early settlements and culture of the world, one of the true cradles of civilizations waiting to be explored fully- The first step is getting rid of Aryan racial theories from Indian history.